Mathematics tuition covers areas of Number, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics and Probability.

Students are explicitly taught through a high quality mathematics teaching program which utilises a whole school lesson structure to build your child’s mathematical proficiencies of: Fluency, Understanding, Reasoning, and Problem Solving.  

Our school develops students’ ability to solve a range of mathematical problems, worded, visual and multi-step.

Students are taught strategies to approach problem solving methodically, efficiently and how to accurately work out and then explain one’s methodology, including the ability to discuss and share solutions with peers and teachers.

Problem solving is an essential component of the mathematics curriculum, building cognitive skills, working memory and number knowledge.

Children’s ability to quickly solve mathematical equations and problems are developed from Prep through explicit daily instruction in counting, place value, and the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The daily and routine practice of building number fluency for your child is an essential component of the mathematics program every day.

Your child will learn how to justify their mathematical answers by explaining their thinking, developing mathematical vocabulary, essential for full understanding of the content covered in this area of the curriculum.

As students share their mathematical thinking, elaborate upon their strategies and approaches, specific feedback is offered, to improve your child’s learning.